Saturday, October 29, 2011

Celebrate the small things!

Here's to another week down! I'm coming up on a month since my weight loss journey has started and I feel great! I'm noticing that I have more energy during the day and I just feel all around healthier. I weighed in this morning and I am 11lbs down!! That means I have lost 5% of my body weight so far!

I've realized that throughout this I have to be sure and celebrate the small accomplishments. Like, loosing 5% of my body weight, or my rings fitting better that dug into my fingers before. One of my best friends refers to the skin between his bottom knuckle and his hand, where your rings sit, his finger bellies. :o) Mine are finally shrinking! I still have one more ring, that fits snuggly but hopefully by Thanksgiving it'll fit perfectly-just in time to see the person who gave it to me, my Granny. :o)

Throughout this past week I worked out everyday that I wanted to except one. I did great on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but on Tuesday and Thursday I struggled. It's so easy for me to get out of class and go home eat dinner and watch tv, instead of getting up and working out. Since Tuesdays and Thursdays are my late days it's even harder for me to get motivated on those days. There in lies my struggle as of now. I need to find a way to just do it, no excuses, just do it and I know I wouldn't regret it. On the days that you make every excuse not to workout are the days that you really should just set all of that aside and do it, because climbing those mountains show that you have really changed and improved and you are becoming stronger in your fight to a healthier person. You will never regret working out. My co-worker Teresa reminded me that every time before that I tried becoming a healthier person, I had the most random excuses for not working out or wanting to eat better, like I had been stressed with school, or I'd start tomorrow, or I was too tired! Now I say, when I'm stressed workout, when I'm tired workout out and there is no option to start tomorrow!

One of my biggest accomplishments this week has been being sore! I know that sounds strange, but to me that means that I'm working hard enough to make a difference. When it hurts you have to keep going-I heard a quote the other day that said, "Pain is weakness leaving the body." I think that definitely applies and for me when I feel like I can't do it anymore, usually I'm too tired, I just fight harder and finish strong. Another accomplishment has been knowing when to stop or making healthier food choices. I don't go back for seconds anymore and when I eat something that is a "healthier option" I make sure and really check the label. This week I ate off the Fresco Menu from Taco Bell, as most of you know Taco Bell is my addiction so to be able to actually choose the Fresco Menu was a tiny accomplishment in and of itself! I had the fresco menu in diets before but I never looked closely at each item and its nutrition label. I just thought, "whatver it's healthier than what I got before". Which is true but that is also probably why I didn't have much luck loosing weight before because I would get the same amount of food just the fresco menu. Bad Idea! The fresco bean burrito has 350 calories and over 900 mg of sodium! Which calorie wise isn't terrible but when you get one of those and 2 soft tacos that's bad news bears. So instead I chose 2 of the chicken soft tacos which are 150 calories each and two of those equal the same amount of sodium for one of the fresco bean burritos which isn't great but for a little cheat treat it's A LOT better. My wellness coach would be proud that I chose the Fresco Menu :o) - even though I didn't check in on FB when I went like he said to, sorry Daniel! (Just another way that my coach is awesome! And another way for him to keep me accountable!)

This week has come with accomplishments and struggles but the whole point of this is to again, celebrate the small things and work harder to conquer those struggles in the weeks ahead!

My goal for this week is to find a way to conquer those Tuesday and Thursday nights and in some way make those workouts just as good as the other ones. No excuses!

My obession this week:

~WATER! I haven't been drinking as much water as I should but it's time to step it up! According to water can flush the toxins in your body which in turn helps beautify your complextion and can also assist in burning more fat and building more muscle! Yes please!

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